Dorothy is going home :) Yay!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Word Perfect

So being an older sibling in excellent academic standing warrants that you teach your younger siblings that which is a challenge to them.
Being well aware of the fact that on the grandmother's scale of comparison we were the ones accused of being good at English, the Twit and I were forced (against our will and to Alisha's dismay) forced to review vocabulary with Alisha.

It was a trying afternoon... a steady drizzle... nothing on TV... job searching had my nerves raw and my fingertips sore ... Twit wanted to go out, but the weather unfavourable to be engaged in any outdoorsy activity and Alisha had seen every episode of Family Guy ever made...

It was like, life had no meaning anymore.

So we resigned ourselves to studying vocabulary.

Anchi: Give me synonyms for the following
Alisha: pft!! Vacations are meant for fun ... studying is what school is for
Anchi: alleviate
Alisha: I don't wanna... I don't waaannnnaaaa...
Anchi: Alleviate
Alisha: NO!
Anchi: Alleviate Alisha
Twit: (slaps Alisha's arm)
Alisha: How dare you twit!! (pounces on Twit)
Anchi: (tucks book under arm - tears two apart) Alleviate

Twit: See, how hard was that!!

Alisha: I almost died!!

Anchi: Acrimony
Alisha: I'd rather die!
Anchi: Acrimony
Alisha: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!
Twit: Alisha!! Stop acting like a dufus!!
Alisha: You don't know the pain!! You'll never know the pain!! You skinny twit!! I hate you!! I hate you both!!
Anchi: Acrimony
Alisha: Does it have something to do with matrimony?
Anchi (thinks): You know... it almost always does.
Twit: Anchi... not helping.
Anchi: erm. No. Try again.

10 words later...

Anchi: Animosity
Alisha: I don't care
Anchi: Animosity
Alisha: Enemy-ness
Twit: Thats not even a word
Alisha: Well I think it should be

Thirty minutes and three hundred whines, complains and taunts later ... the twit and I retired.

Alisha: What? I are we done already?

1 comment:

opamp said...

i'm glad alisha has already been initiated with the Family Guy Series .....hehehehehe (peter's laugh)

About Me

Mumbai, India
I've been trying to say something, but these words keep getting in the way.

They Were Here