Dorothy is going home :) Yay!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lets Play House ... again! Like grown ups this time!

I have a home all of my own now.

It’s a small little studio apartment, tucked away in the corner of a building. Its reasonably bright although I don’t get no direct sunlight, its always the right temperature and has a big bright bathroom. If you know me well enough you will know I am obsessed with big bright bathrooms. That smell of soap!! (Well, now you know)

My only grouse is that it smells annoyingly of curry and incense. And no thats not “so Indian” and I don't like it, the curry smell was there before I got there. The incense was my ecofriendly way of getting rid of the smell anyway, it’s a work in progress…. Any suggestions are welcome…

Anyway, after hours of contemplation I have decided that homes are important for the following reasons:

1. It’s a place you can come back to after a long, hard day.

This might sound very generic to you. If it does, then that just goes to say that you haven't as yet experienced ‘long, hard days.’ Because if you had then you'd know what I mean and you wouldn't say "Mmm yeah, thats always nice" and instead say, "Duuuuude!!!!!!"

If you just said "Duuuuuude!!!!!!!" (yes, with that many exclamation marks) then continue to read, else go away (spoilt prat).

2. It gives you a place where you can dig your nose shamelessly, walk around naked, cook whatever you want, spend hours in the bathroom and decide there is no such thing as "ridiculously clean".

3. An excellent piece of territory where you can ban Linear Algebra, heavy metal, non-recycleable plastic, genetically messed food, smoking, men who don't smell nice, women who don't smell nice/ enjoy an occasional bitching session or two and ofcourse racists and lint of every shape, description and form.

4. A place where you can hide your secret stash of tea leaves and tea bags and other good tea stuff and pretend its weed and you're all cool and act like a charsi and feel very up-"beat" about it, without getting laughed at.

5. You can daydream and nightdream. Cry like there is no tomorrow, laugh the next moment, pirouette, moon walk and do the robot.

6. Where you can play 80’s music all day!! And no one rolls their eyes

Anyway, I'm beginning to get flaky and possibly giving too much away, so I'm gonna shut up.

But there is one very important thing having a home does for you and it takes not having one for a while to get this...

It gives you the guts to speak your mind. You can look someone squarely in the face and say exactly what you think.

It gives you a small spot of land you belong to, in a land very dissimilar to home. And theres a strange amount of confidence born in just that.

You might not get it, and part of me hopes that you never need to understand it … just know this much: I am so happy.


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About Me

Mumbai, India
I've been trying to say something, but these words keep getting in the way.

They Were Here