Dorothy is going home :) Yay!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Now it's a beautiful day...

The cure to home sickness ... is actually going home.
Who would have thought of it!!!
But the timing is important see. In fact, the timing is what its all about.

There I was sitting on the plane dreading going home and yet ever so impatient to get there.

I was preparing myself. I thought the world as I knew it, will have changed. Everyone will have moved on, found other people, activities and distractions and I, will be nothing but a memory. And that was how I would be received too, with the kind of spontaneous joy you see in someone’s eyes on being reminded of an old memory. While I watched on the smile would pass and they’d be back to the present. Thus gently, I would be pushed, back to the happy place in their heads and hearts and I would stand there not daring to breathe lest I break the spell too soon.

There was some of that, but there was more of something else I thought only happened in dreams and Disney movies.

There was ROOM for me!!! In the present!! I was ushered into my friends lives and there was so so so much love and laughter.

India was magic since the moment I got home.

There were mothers (my own and the ones I got myself adopted by), friends as mad as hatters, fathers and their relentless attempt at "humor", Bacardi Breezers, croaking froggy pens, credit card payments gone wrong, dogs of every description and flea count, spoilt cats, ganna juice, rheuminating cows on street corners ever ready to exchange greetings and musings about the weather and traffic, overcrowded trains and bus rides. Happy Happy Joy Joy!

And oh! So many memories! Made in the best of places… dancing, warm hugs, walks on the beach with fireworks, dinner with people I've known forever, loving people I've just met, goofing out at St.Xavier’s, having friends fill my arms, having friends fall over me, having some of them grumble incessantly, getting tipsy at Mondegar, falling asleep on the mother’s arm, taking a "pretend-we're-together" walk while making birthday plans.

I have to say – I know the nicest people in the world.

A "thank you" is unnecessary and I know it.

.... I'm just so glad we're all still growing up together.

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About Me

Mumbai, India
I've been trying to say something, but these words keep getting in the way.

They Were Here