Dorothy is going home :) Yay!

Monday, August 27, 2007


... did you think we didn't?
Would we be girls otherwise? :)

Stupid woman. Skinny as hell. With her Big boobs in your face like that ...bleagh!
I hate her.
She's a witch.
She got married and then got impregnated ... no wait ... she got impregnated and then got married - but before that she killed her baby coz she kept puff puff puffing away at her cigarette ...

Hmm ... are all middle school classes that informative.

No!! All other classes are fun. But this class is all about Boobs. Stupid Witch.

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Ali: Anchi, don't you worry you won't get married?

Anchi: Heyyyyy!!

Ali: No no! I'm not saying no one will marry you ... I'm saying you might not fall in love

Anchi: Oh. See I intend marrying someone who loves me. Yes. Thats what I'll do. *looks decided.

snort of laughter from the Twit.

Anchi: Heyyyyyyyyy!!!!

Ali: There are loads of guys Anchi can marry...

Anchi: Its true. *looks decidedly unsure.

Ali: The way I see it we have 6 options... but you can't marry the first guy coz I hate him, you can't marry the second guy coz you hate him and you can't marry the third guy coz Twit hates him.

Anchi: So that leaves us with two guys *carefully doing the math

Twit: You can't marry Him!

Anchi: Why not?

Twit: Coz he's your friend. Besides he looks like a teddy bear.

Anchi and Ali: Since when is that a bad thing

Twit: *grunts

Ali: And you can't marry the other guy because he doesn't look like a teddy bear.

Twit: *nods agreement

Anchi: I think I know where this is going

Twit: Now all you have to do is accept it

Ali: Oh wait, theres still one guy left

Anchi: Shalome things he is an egoistic pig

Ali: Perfect. Thats settled then.

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opamp said...

(shocked) - do girls normally have backups which run to 2 or more?
Marry american citizen - teddy no teddy, egotist etc is secondary.

opamp said...

why, is Dorothy of the air?

opamp said...

curly fries .... i want more ...why a'nt u writing?

About Me

Mumbai, India
I've been trying to say something, but these words keep getting in the way.

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